Welcome to the Tribe!

the book welcome
Leah Dean

I am so excited to welcome you to my new blog! 

Today marks the beginning of a journey that I have every expectation will change over time. Some days you will receive a written post and at other times I will send you video or audio.  I will use whatever method helps me to connect with you in ways that matter. Please share the blog, comment on the ideas and concepts you love, and let me know what you would like to know more about. This way we can co-create and grow together. 

Let’s start at the beginning…

Just in case you have never met me before, my name is Leah J M Dean. The J stands for Julie, which is my mom’s name. The M, that’s Michelle. No deep family meaning there, my mom said it sounded nice...Leah Julie Michelle and I agree. However, I do have at least 5 girlfriends, including my best friend, who have the same first or middle name. Michelle also means “who is like God”. What better life goal could there be? So I am definitely keeping and using Michelle. 

I can also tell you I love flowers, shoes, journaling, writing, traveling, reading, did I say shoes? 

So, what do I do, really...

For more than 20 years I worked in the corporate world in various human resources and executive roles, helping to build teams and organizations. However, when I took a year off to spend time with my family, travel, and write a book, my focus and my passion shifted to a new calling. I reflected on all of my experiences and things that I love about my work and realized my life’s journey has prepared me to build tribes and create a more connected world. As part of that vision, I created a business that focuses on bringing people together in relationships like no one else does! This means whenever I do what I - coaching, speaking, writing, event production - I create content and experiences that bring people together for greater impact.  

What else am I up to these days?

First and foremost, I am a wife and mother with a 12 and 14 year old, my first priority is to make sure that we stay safe, sane, and healthy. Any mom will tell you these goals alone are a full-time job! When I am not engaging with the kids, I am preparing for December 1 when I release my first book - Assemble the Tribe! I also have a few other projects I am working on that we will talk about in the months ahead. 

So, there you have it, a little bit about me and the work I love. Thank you for sharing your time with me and until next time Believe + Belong = Be Different (Stay tuned! We will unpack this formula’s meaning and benefits soon.)

Have a great day!



P.S. For more information about my soon-to-be-released book, visit my new website www.leahjmdean.com and download the introduction and first chapter.


Meet The Author

Leah JM Dean is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and trusted advisor to organizations and leaders across the globe. She is also Founder and CEO of Conduit International Ltd., a professional and personal development solutions company dedicated to helping organizations, leaders, and women work smarter, live well, and foster meaningful connections. A self-proclaimed recovering workaholic, Leah is passionate about helping her clients find strategies to optimize their work, invest in their wellbeing, and make a lasting impact on the lives of those they touch. Join our community to receive our monthly newsletter—full of practical tips, tools, and inspiration. Sign up at www.leahjmdean.com/join.